The Use of Technology Media to Improve the Language Skills of German Students in Universitas Padjadjaran

Author Details

Kamelia Gantrisia, Dian Ekawati, Genita Cansrina, Dian Indira, Dedi Sulaeman

Journal Details


Published: 20 July 2018 | Article Type :


German technology still becomes one of the main reference for Indonesian people. Therefore, learning Germany is one of the motivations for those who want to study in Germany. The rapid development of technology media in various areas of human life has changed permanently the educational process. The SCL-learning models place the students at the center of the learning process. E-learning is one of the possible ways of independently Learning. These digital media give the students the opportunity to learn in the virtual world. It can bridge the distance between the German language and its learners and the students are able to get virtually a lot of information about this language. The respondents of this research are the second semester of bachelor degree student of German in Universitas Padjajaran. The data were selected from materials of textbook Netzwerk A1. The result shows that the learning process using relevant e-learning concept can be integrated. Lastly, the most important thing is that the students who master IT can be easily learn German language skills by using these models.

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How to Cite


Kamelia Gantrisia, Dian Ekawati, Genita Cansrina, Dian Indira, Dedi Sulaeman. (2018-07-20). "The Use of Technology Media to Improve the Language Skills of German Students in Universitas Padjadjaran." *Volume 1*, 2, 9-11